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[ OP-EDS ]

Angela Merkel Bloomberg Brexit Council of the EU COVID-19 elections Enlargement España ethics EU elections Europe European Commission European Parliament European Union far-right Forbes France Future Generations Future of Europe Green Deal Hungary Italy Le Monde lobbying Macron Mario Draghi Meloni Musk orban Poland Politico Power Presidency Qatar Qatargate Reform Rule of Law Spain The Good Lobby The Guardian Uber Files Ukraine United States vaccine Von der Leyen

Does the EU Have What it Takes to Counter American Plutocratic Power? - 11/02/25 - VERFASSUNGSBLOG - Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
The Dark Side of EU Deregulation - 11/02/25 - PROJECT SYNDICATE - Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
Musk, Power, and the EU - 18/01/25 - VERFASSUNGSBLOG - Alberto Alemanno and Jacquelyn D. Veraldi launch a symposium exploring how the EU can respond to power challenges posed by the new US administration.
For the first time in its history, we could be looking at a genuinely rightwing European Union - 18/11/24 - THE GUARDIAN - Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU political landscape after the 2024 European elections.
Europe’s Shifting Alliances: Can the EU Stand Up to Trump? - 14/11/24 - SOCIAL EUROPE - Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU's stance on the reelection of Donald Trump.
L’agenda politique de la Commission européenne semble plus aligné sur les demandes de l’extrême droite que sur celles promises aux pro-européens - 30/10/24 - LE MONDE - Alberto Alemanno discusses how far-right parties influence the political agenda of the new European Commission.
Ursula von der Leyen has lost Europe’s trust. She doesn’t deserve a second term - 17/07/24 - THE GUARDIAN - Alberto Alemanno argues that MEPs should not reelect Ursula von der Leyen for a second mandate as President of the European Commission.
Why and How the Hungarian Presidency Must Be Stopped - 15/07/24 - VERFASSUNGSBLOG - Alberto Alemanno discusses the consequences of the ongoing Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU.
EU elections: earthquake in France and a rightward policy lurch? Our panel responds - 10/06/24 - THE GUARDIAN - Alberto Alemanno analyses the results of the EU elections and their consequences.
« Une bonne performance électorale de l’extrême droite pourrait contrarier l’essence même du projet européen » - 06/06/24 - LE MONDE - Alberto Alemanno analyses the impact of reinforced far-right parties at the EU Parliament after the EU elections.
Europe’s Non-European Elections - 14/05/24 - PROJECT SYNDICATE - Alberto Alemanno questions the European nature of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament.
Unboxing the EU Body for Ethical Standards - 07/05/24 - VERFASSUNGSBLOG - Alberto Alemanno argues that the creation of the EU Body for Ethical Standards is a potential step forward in improving the EU ethics system.
«Il est temps pour l’UE de se doter d’un représentant institutionnel dévolu à l’avenir » - 22/04/24 - LE MONDE - Alberto Alemanno et Elizabeth Dirth défendent dans cette tribune la nécessité d'institutionnaliser la représentation des générations futures dans l'UE.
EU enlargement, reform and the missing citizens - 08/01/24 - SOCIAL EUROPE - Alberto Alemanno discusses the role of citizens in foreseen EU reforms.
The visionary legacy of Jacques Delors - 02/01/24 - POLITICO - Alberto Alemanno remembers Jacques Delors' legacy for Europe.


«DEBEMOS ALIMENTAR UNA NUEVA RUTINA DEMOCRÁTICA MÁS ALLÁ DEL VOTO» 07/11/2024 - ETHIC - Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to think democracy further than elections.
Unpacking the EU election results: ‘Europe is an afterthought’ 11/06/2024 - THE PARLIAMENT - Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU election results in an interview.
Alberto Alemanno : “Le discours alarmiste de Macron sur l’état de l’Europe est contre-productif” 28/05/2024 - L'EXPRESS - Alberto Alemanno discusses the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in an interview.
Alberto Alemanno, promotor de The Good Lobby: “Hoy día las empresas están bajo un control público sin precedentes” 09/05/2023 - EL MUNDO - Alberto Alemanno explica la importancia de la democratización del lobbying para contrarrestar los grupos de presión empresariales.
Alemanno: “El lobby se monopolizó con el interés particular de empresas y grupos” 30/04/2023 - LA INFORMACIÓN - Alberto Alemanno explica la misión de The Good Lobby y la importancia del lobbying ciudadano, tras la llegada de la ONG a España.
4 people are charged with corruption in a bribery inquiry linked to Qatar 12/12/2022 - NPR - A high-ranking European Union lawmaker is one of several people snared in a corruption probe by Belgian officials for allegedly taking bribes from a Gulf state.
«La doctrine Borrell», une conversation avec le Haut représentant 31/10/2022 - Groupe d'études géopolitiques - Alberto Alemanno et Adam Mouyal conversent avec Josep Borrell au sujet de son discours devant les ambassadeurs de l'Union et la première promotion de l'Académie diplomatique européenne.
Should European citizens dictate the bloc’s budget? 01/04/2022 - EURACTIV - MEPs and experts propose to scale up a city-level tool allowing citizens to decide how to spend a part of the municipal resources and let Europeans shape the EU budget expenditure.
Future of Europe: it’s not about Treaty change, it’s about European Democracy 18/12/2021 - REV DEM - Michal Matlak interviews Alberto Alemanno* in the aftermath of the publication of the first batch of recommendations coming from the Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel. They discuss what representativeness – if any – this group of citizens has, how the recommendations are facilitated and drafted, and what impact this might have on the future of Europe.
condizioni per la nascita di un vero spazio politico europeo Rivoluzione copernicana | Ci sono (finalmente) le condizioni per la nascita di un vero spazio politico europeo 09/07/2021 - LINKIESTA - In coincidenza con la giornata dell’Europa, il 9 maggio 2021 si è aperta la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa. Intervista a Alberto Alemanno dall’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa.


Ursula von der Leyen in pole position as she tries to build majority to keep job 10/06/2024 - THE GUARDIAN - Alberto Alemanno comments on the designation of the next Commission president after the EU elections.
Council Quote of the Day: Cracks Emerge in Hard Right Across Europe 03/06/2024 - THE NEW YORK TIMES - Quote of the Day about nationalist parties.
Los populares europeos aceleran su acercamiento a la ultraderecha en pleno ciclo electoral 28/04/2023 - EL PAÍS - Alberto Alemanno comments on the European Popular Party's rapprochement with the far-right in the middle of the election cycle.
Plan for EU ethics body falls short of parliament’s demands, critics warn 25/04/2023 - FINANCIAL TIMES - Alberto Alemanno comments on a proposed ethics body for EU institutions in the aftermath of the Qatargate.
Criminal complaint adds to Ursula von der Leyen’s Pfizer text woes 18/04/2023 - POLITICO - Alberto Alemanno comments on the criminal complaint against European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
Brussels Playbook: Qatar scandal hits Commission — Finland’s next PM? — VdL in Washington 10/03/2023 - POLITICO - Alberto Alemanno comments on how the Qatargate scandal hits the European Commission.
‘Invulnerable’ MEPs set to test EU’s bid to raise ethical standards  04/01/2023 - FINANCIAL TIMES - Alberto Alemanno comments the EU's ethical standards in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
European Parliament corruption probe is a gift to the bloc’s critics 22/12/2022 - THE WASHINGTON POST - Four people have been charged on suspicion of money laundering, corruption and taking part in a criminal organization on behalf of Qatar.
Calls for EU lobbying rules to be reformed grow as corruption scandal rocks Brussels  14/12/2022 - EURONEWS - Calls to reform lobbying rules for European Union institutions are growing as Brussels reels from a corruption scandal involving the European Parliament.
The Qatar Corruption Scandal Is Rocking the European Parliament 12/12/2022 - TIME - A high-profile corruption case alleges Qatar bribed European lawmakers to sway policy.