The good lobby
THE GUARDIAN – Uber Files appear to show Neelie Kroes trying to assist firm during ‘cooling-off’ period after leaving commission
SUSTAINABLE VIEWS – Millions of consumers, employees and investors are seeking to align their purchases, jobs and investments with their values.
Financial Times – Companies are under pressure to speak out on a wide range of issues. Doing so while avoiding pitfalls will require them to rethink their approach to politics.
FORBES – To help track businesses’ responses to the escalating crisis, the Ukraine Corporate Index was launched today by The Good Lobby, a nonprofit civic participation organization, and Progressive Shopper, which tracks political contributions.
PIONEERS POST – Changemakers should not shy away from using powerful tools to influence politicians – starting with lobbying, attendees of the Ashoka Changemaker Summit heard this week. And they can start by talking to the new breed of “political entrepreneurs”, often young and focused on social impact, who are looking for solutions.
STATEWATCH – Civil society organisations, elected representatives and other prominent public figures are calling on Interpol to take steps to prevent the abuse of international policing databases and alert systems by authoritarian and dictatorial regimes. A resolution sent to the policing organisation a week before its 89th General Assembly calls for the protection of human rights by the full implementation of recommendations made by the Council of Europe and European Parliament. Statewatch is one of the signatories of the resolution.
L’ESPRESSO – Negli ultimi anni ne sono nate oltre 500, da Parigi a Madrid, dall’Islanda all’Irlanda. Convocate su temi diversi per ascoltare l’opinione degli elettori. Ma non sempre poi vengono ascoltate.
Immagina per un attimo di poter dedicare una parte del tuo tempo a una questione
PIONEERS POST – A coalition of 60 companies led by B Lab Europe is calling for an EU-wide change in company law to make stakeholder governance mandatory in the bloc.
DOMANI – In vista della pubblicazione in Italia il 9 giugno del suo libro The Good Lobby, il giurista Alberto Alemanno spiega perché il diffondersi di lobby civiche è una leva cruciale in un contesto in cui gli interessi pubblici sono sottorappresentati
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO – Ha lasciato la vicepresidenza dell’Aspen Institute Italia dopo aver partecipato a un dibattito con Farmindustria. Oggetto del dibattito: i brevetti dei vaccini.
As the European Union undergoes a major, self-proclaimed democratic exercise – the Conference on the
Many democratic societies are experiencing a crisis of faith. Citizens are making clear their frustration
EU SCREAM – There are around 150 far-right lawmakers in the new European Parliament that companies can lobby for favourable votes and amendments.
LE MONDE – Le professeur de droit Alberto Alemanno dénonce, dans une tribune au « Monde », le rôle néfaste joué par le réseau social lors de la campagne électorale européenne en limitant les messages politiques aux frontières nationales.
IDEAS.TED.COM – “Lobbying” doesn’t have to be a dirty word; instead, it means using your talents and abilities to improve the world, says civic advocate Alberto Alemanno.
BLOOMBERG – The public may cheer a whistleblower, but it’s not easy to be one. While they expose fraud and abuse that otherwise would remain veiled, whistleblowers in Europe often face retaliation by their employers and other repercussions. A new proposed European Union directive seeks to change that; it might also prove useful in countering the erosion of democratic values in the bloc’s east.
LE MONDE – Le professeur en droit européen Alberto Alemanno estime que rien ne sert d’employer la loi contre les fausses informations. Sous la pression de l’opinion, des sociétés comme Facebook peuvent adopter des dispositifs qui contrebalancent l’effet de la désinformation.
EURONEWS – At a time of great political uncertainty for the future of Europe, the only way to shape our continent is through citizen lobbying.
EU OBSERVER – As the EU continues to take decisions affecting millions of European citizens, there is a growing expectation that it must ensure full transparency for the ones shaping those decisions, by regulating lobbying.