The good lobby
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As the European Union undergoes a major, self-proclaimed democratic exercise – the Conference on the
Many democratic societies are experiencing a crisis of faith. Citizens are making clear their frustration
The premise of this volume is that business regulations are expected to grow in the
This volume presents the viewpoints of academics, food lawyers, industry and consumer representatives as well
This collection of essays looks at the role the European Union could and should play
This timely book provides the first legal and policy analysis of the intellectual property (IP)
This is the first attempt to draw together and define risk studies, through a definitive collection written by the leading scholars in the field. It will be an indispensable resource for the many scholars, students and professionals engaging with risk but lacking a resource to draw it all together.
Behavioural sciences help refine our understanding of human decision-making. Their insights are immensely relevant for policy-making since public intervention works much better when it targets real people rather than imaginary beings assumed to be perfectly rational.
Beyond the European Volcanic Ash Crisis Edward Elgar Publishing 2011 Emergency crises have always tested our
Trade in Food surveys and explores the evolution of the European Community s regulation of