Does the EU Have What it Takes to Counter American Plutocratic Power?
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU political landscape after the 2024 European elections.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno discusses how far-right parties influence the political agenda of the new European Commission.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno questions the European nature of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno remembers Jacques Delors’ legacy for Europe.
EURONEWS – Alberto Alemanno and Elizabeth Dirth discuss the need for future generations to be represented in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to reform the EU in the light of its foreseen enlargement.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno analyzes Ursula von der Leyen’s 2023 State of the Union address.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno explains the consequences that the Open Society Foundations’ retreat from Europe will have for civil society organizations.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno plaide pour la suspension de la présidence hongroise du Conseil de l’UE.
EL PAÍS – Alberto Alemanno aboga por la suspensión de la próxima presidencia húngara del Consejo de la UE.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno argues for the suspension of Hungary’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the EU.
EL CONFIDENCIAL – Alberto Alemanno explica la importancia de democratizar el lobbying en plena crisis de la democracia representativa
LES ECHOS – Alberto Alemanno and Hugo Weber advocate for more transparent ethics in lobbying.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to establish an EU ethics body in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
LE MONDE – Le scandale de la « corruption » par le Qatar a exposé une vérité gênante : l’argent achète l’influence dans l’UE.
POLITICO – The Qatar “corruption” scandal has unveiled the inconvenient truth that money does buy influence in the EU.
BBC News – Thousands of leaked files have exposed how Uber courted top politicians, and how far it went to avoid justice.
EURONEWS – As the Conference on the Future of Europe just ended, Alberto Alemanno examines what we have learned from this unprecedented democratic exercise.
POLITICO – Euroskeptic posturing might win politicians votes at home, but it’s increasingly costing them on the European stage.
EL PAÍS – El nombramiento de del técnico y alto funcionario italiano, merece ser entendida a partir del espíritu de la Constitución como una expresión puramente política.
LE MONDE – Plutôt qu’un certificat de vaccination, les institutions européennes devraient mettre l’accent sur la distribution équitable des vaccins et conjurer l’émergence d’un marché noir.
LA REPUBBLICA – Invece di unire i Paesi riducendo le limitazioni agli spostamenti, il documento sanitario creerebbe nuove frontiere fra le persone schedate come sicure e quelle non sicure.
EU OBSERVER – Stunning animals before slaughter and avoiding unnecessary suffering is surely the least we owe these fellow sentient beings.
EURACTIV – Almost 30 years after the first transnational European party was formed, the European Parliament has proposed that in the 2024 European elections, all voters should be able to vote, in addition to their national representatives, for a second set of representatives, elected in a single European college.
LE MONDE – La démission du commissaire irlandais sous la pression de la présidence de la Commission crée un précédent en faveur d’une autonomisation de l’examen éthique de la politique européenne, analysent les juristes Alberto Alemanno et Benjamin Bodson dans une tribune au « Monde ».
THE GUARDIAN – Millions of us built our lives on the promise of free movement. Under cover of coronavirus, that dream is disappearing…