The Dark Side of EU Deregulation
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU political landscape after the 2024 European elections.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno discusses how far-right parties influence the political agenda of the new European Commission.
EURACTIV – Alberto Alemanno discusses the formation of the next European Commission after the 2024 European elections.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno argues that MEPs should not reelect Ursula von der Leyen for a second mandate as President of the European Commission.
L’EXPRESS – Alberto Alemanno discusses the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in an interview.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno et Elizabeth Dirth défendent dans cette tribune la nécessité d’institutionnaliser la représentation des générations futures dans l’UE.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno remembers Jacques Delors’ legacy for Europe.
EURONEWS – Alberto Alemanno and Elizabeth Dirth discuss the need for future generations to be represented in the EU.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Alberto Alemanno comments on a proposed ethics body for EU institutions in the aftermath of the Qatargate.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on the criminal complaint against European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on how the Qatargate scandal hits the European Commission.
EURONEWS – Un incident diplomatique en passe de devenir une crise interne de l’UE. Les secousses du “Sofagate”, le camouflet protocolaire infligé à la présidente de la Commission européenne à Ankara la semaine dernière, se font toujours à ressentir à Bruxelles.
POLITICO EU Influence – For the Brussels influence industry, AstraZeneca’s tarnished reputation is a cautionary tale — and a new client pitch.
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO – Ha lasciato la vicepresidenza dell’Aspen Institute Italia dopo aver partecipato a un dibattito con Farmindustria. Oggetto del dibattito: i brevetti dei vaccini.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, avvocato generale della Corte di giustizia europea, aveva preso parte a un incontro sui brevetti dei vaccini con Farmindustria. L’evento era organizzato da Aspen Institute Italia di cui era vicepresidente. La segnalazione di due ong al presidente della Corte ha avuto effetto.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, membro della Corte di giustizia europea, era all’evento con Farmindustria di cui Domani ha scritto, ed è anche vicepresidente di Aspen Institute Italia. The Good Lobby e Corporate Europe Observatory hanno scritto una lettera per segnalare la questione al presidente della Corte.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Sandra Gallina partecipa a una tavola rotonda con Farmindustria in cui si discute di brevetti dei vaccini. Prima il suo staff nega, poi non risponde.
POLITICO EU Influence – The Commission is expected to present a new EU strategy on the rights of the child next week, along with a proposal for a Council recommendation on a European child guarantee.
INTERNAZIONALE – Tedeschi in Spagna, olandesi in Grecia e francesi in Italia? Una cartolina del “mondo di prima” che potrebbe tornare d’attualità quest’estate se i paesi europei si metteranno d’accordo sulle condizioni di entrata nei loro territori.
OPEN DEMOCRACY – Is the push for a vaccine certificate driven by an economic desire to boost travel and tourism rather than the safety of all Europeans?
LE SOIR – Le déficit démocratique de l’UE affaiblit non seulement sa légitimité mais aussi la capacité des États membres à relever les grands défis d’aujourd’hui. Les auteurs de ce texte réclament d’urgence une réforme institutionnelle ambitieuse pour l’Europe de demain.
CNBC – Europe’s coronavirus vaccine rollout has been thrust into the spotlight once again after the Italian government blocked a shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines to Australia.
LE MONDE – Emmanuel Macron a détaillé le calendrier de la levée des restrictions en France, dans lequel le passe sanitaire est mentionné à plusieurs reprises.
EURONEWS – Several EU countries are moving to reinstate border checks and travel restrictions over a troubling surge in coronavirus variants.
LE PARISIEN – La Commission européenne va proposer un dispositif permettant de justifier si l’on a été vacciné ou si l’on dispose d’un test négatif afin de se déplacer plus librement d’un pays à un autre. Mais le chemin est encore long avant une éventuelle mise en place.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
POLITICO – EU chief’s participation in a Croatian election campaign video sparked criticism.
EU OBSERVER – The troubled Conference on the Future of Europe, intended to reconnect the European project with its citizens, remains in deadlock due to an ongoing institutional dispute over who will chair it.
LE FIGARO – Face au Digital Services Act et au Digital Markets Act, la mobilisation des lobbyistes du secteur était prévisible et attendue. Mais certaines méthodes ont choqué.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
POLITICO – Under fire in battles over EU values, Commission VP shoots from the lip.
EURACTIV – The European Commission’s threat to withdraw its legislative proposal for the post-2020 EU’s farming subsidies programme has irritated EU lawmakers. asked some legal experts to clear the air about the controversy.
LE MONDE – La démission du commissaire irlandais sous la pression de la présidence de la Commission crée un précédent en faveur d’une autonomisation de l’examen éthique de la politique européenne, analysent les juristes Alberto Alemanno et Benjamin Bodson dans une tribune au « Monde ».
POLITICO – Irishman’s exit shows the Commission president won’t tolerate the impression that her top team can act with impunity.
EURONEWS – “This certainly will become a headache for Von der Leyen and the new [European] Commission because this will lead to a reshuffle of her college – this is very likely.” Alberto Alemanno, EU Analyst.
EL PAÍS – La presidenta de la Comisión podría haber violado la obligación de neutralidad prevista en el código de conducta del organismo.
BLOOMBERG – The Soros-funded university in Hungary isn’t the only non-governmental organization under attack in Europe.