ETHIC – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to think democracy further than elections.
ETHIC – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to think democracy further than elections.
THE PARLIAMENT – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU election results in an interview.
L’EXPRESS – Alberto Alemanno discusses the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in an interview.
EL MUNDO – Alberto Alemanno explica la importancia de la democratización del lobbying para contrarrestar los grupos de presión empresariales.
LA INFORMACIÓN – Alberto Alemanno explica la misión de The Good Lobby y la importancia del lobbying ciudadano, tras la llegada de la ONG a España.
NPR – A high-ranking European Union lawmaker is one of several people snared in a corruption probe by Belgian officials for allegedly taking bribes from a Gulf state.
Groupe d’études géopolitiques – Alberto Alemanno et Adam Mouyal conversent avec Josep Borrell au sujet de son discours devant les ambassadeurs de l’Union et la première promotion de l’Académie diplomatique européenne.
EURACTIV – MEPs and experts propose to scale up a city-level tool allowing citizens to decide how to spend a part of the municipal resources and let Europeans shape the EU budget expenditure.
REV DEM – Michal Matlak interviews Alberto Alemanno* in the aftermath of the publication of the first batch of recommendations coming from the Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel. They discuss what representativeness – if any – this group of citizens has, how the recommendations are facilitated and drafted, and what impact this might have on the future of Europe.
LINKIESTA – In coincidenza con la giornata dell’Europa, il 9 maggio 2021 si è aperta la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa. Intervista a Alberto Alemanno dall’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa.
HELSINGIN SANOMAT – Professori Alberto Alemanno pitää liian pitkälle vietyjä rajatoimia uhkana vapaan liikkuvuuden tulevaisuudelle. Koronapassista on aikanaan vaikea luopua, hän ennustaa.
EURONEWS – Sixteen countries have begun using the EU’s ‘Digital COVID certificate’ (EUDCC) to enable their citizens to easily travel across the bloc.
CNBC – The EU launched Sunday the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Anti-EU lawmakers strengthened their support following the sovereign debt and migration crises of the last decade.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, avvocato generale della Corte di giustizia europea, aveva preso parte a un incontro sui brevetti dei vaccini con Farmindustria. L’evento era organizzato da Aspen Institute Italia di cui era vicepresidente. La segnalazione di due ong al presidente della Corte ha avuto effetto.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, membro della Corte di giustizia europea, era all’evento con Farmindustria di cui Domani ha scritto, ed è anche vicepresidente di Aspen Institute Italia. The Good Lobby e Corporate Europe Observatory hanno scritto una lettera per segnalare la questione al presidente della Corte.
CNBC – Europe’s coronavirus vaccine rollout has been thrust into the spotlight once again after the Italian government blocked a shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines to Australia.
Financial Times – EU’s planned Conference on the Future of Europe delayed over who should run it
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
LE MONDE – Aux yeux de ces influenceurs qui se revendiquent « durables », le lobbying est un moyen d’expression légitime mais qui doit être rééquilibré au profit de voix qui pèsent moins dans le processus législatif, comme les ONG.
LE FIGARO – «Les électeurs européens demandent davantage d’Europe et non davantage d’État-nation» explique Alberto Alemanno, professeur de droit européen à HEC.
CNBC – Ahead of this year’s EU elections, Macron finds himself fighting the nationalist and Euroskeptic party of Marine Le Pen once again. In Italy, the elections will be a test on the anti-establishment coalition government, which has been in power for roughly a year.
LIBÉRATION – Face aux obstacles administratifs pour voter dans un autre pays et l’emprise des enjeux locaux, le juriste Alberto Alemanno prône un collège électoral unique dans l’Union et de vrais partis européens.
TV5 MONDE – C’est une crise sans précédent, depuis l’après-guerre, entre deux pays fondateurs de l’Union européenne. La France vient de rappeler son ambassadeur à Rome, suite aux provocations verbales de Matteo Salvini, ministre italien de l’Intérieur et Luigi Di Maio, vice-président du gouvernement. Selon Alberto Alemanno, politologue, ces piques italiennes ne sont pas seulement conjoncturelles. Elles traduisent un déplacement de la polémique politique de l’espace national vers un cadre plus européen.
IDEAS.TED.COM – “Lobbying” doesn’t have to be a dirty word; instead, it means using your talents and abilities to improve the world, says civic advocate Alberto Alemanno.
EURONEWS – Professor Alberto Alemanno from HEC Paris answers Euronews’ questions on the health of the European Union and potential consequences of next year’s European elections.