Does the EU Have What it Takes to Counter American Plutocratic Power?
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno and Jacquelyn D. Veraldi launch a symposium exploring how the EU can respond to power challenges posed by the new US administration.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU political landscape after the 2024 European elections.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU’s stance on the reelection of Donald Trump.
EURACTIV – Alberto Alemanno discusses the formation of the next European Commission after the 2024 European elections.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno argues that MEPs should not reelect Ursula von der Leyen for a second mandate as President of the European Commission.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno discusses the consequences of the ongoing Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU.
THE EUROPEANS – Alberto Alemanno discusses the upcoming EU elections.
THE PARLIAMENT – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU election results in an interview.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno comments on the designation of the next Commission president after the EU elections.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno analyses the results of the EU elections and their consequences.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Quote of the Day about nationalist parties.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno questions the European nature of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno argues that the creation of the EU Body for Ethical Standards is a potential step forward in improving the EU ethics system.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the role of citizens in foreseen EU reforms.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno remembers Jacques Delors’ legacy for Europe.
EURONEWS – Alberto Alemanno and Elizabeth Dirth discuss the need for future generations to be represented in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to reform the EU in the light of its foreseen enlargement.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno analyzes Ursula von der Leyen’s 2023 State of the Union address.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno explains the consequences that the Open Society Foundations’ retreat from Europe will have for civil society organizations.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno argues for the suspension of Hungary’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the EU.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Alberto Alemanno comments on a proposed ethics body for EU institutions in the aftermath of the Qatargate.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on the criminal complaint against European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
Alberto Alemanno is interviewed by Genie Godula (France 24) about the Qatargate scandal.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on how the Qatargate scandal hits the European Commission.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to establish an EU ethics body in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
EURACTIV – New models for citizen involvement in government are critical for the survival of democratic institutions in Europe, write Alberto Alemanno and Laura Batalla.
FRANCE 24 – Alberto Alemanno discusses the implications of the Qatargate scandal that has rocked the European Parliament over the last few weeks.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Alberto Alemanno comments the EU’s ethical standards in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
THE WASHINGTON POST – Four people have been charged on suspicion of money laundering, corruption and taking part in a criminal organization on behalf of Qatar.
EURONEWS – Calls to reform lobbying rules for European Union institutions are growing as Brussels reels from a corruption scandal involving the European Parliament.
TIME – A high-profile corruption case alleges Qatar bribed European lawmakers to sway policy.
NPR – A high-ranking European Union lawmaker is one of several people snared in a corruption probe by Belgian officials for allegedly taking bribes from a Gulf state.
POLITICO – The Qatar “corruption” scandal has unveiled the inconvenient truth that money does buy influence in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – The arrest of a European Parliament vice-president and four others linked to a corruption investigation implicating World Cup hosts Qatar sparked calls for “root and branch reform” in the EU institution.
POLITICO – Without enforcement or investigation powers, a new ethics body ‘misses the point,’ experts say.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Bloc’s push to cut smoking rates would increase minimum excise duty from €1.80 to €3.60 per pack of 20.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Spat reinforces concern about Giorgia Meloni’s readiness to work constructively with EU.
EURONEWS – Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni welcomed a “very frank, very positive” exchange with European Union leaders in Brussels.
Groupe d’études géopolitiques – Alberto Alemanno et Adam Mouyal conversent avec Josep Borrell au sujet de son discours devant les ambassadeurs de l’Union et la première promotion de l’Académie diplomatique européenne.
CNBC – Fresh tensions between France and Germany are challenging their relationship at a time when their unity is critical for broader European policy in tackling the energy crisis.
POLITICO – Citizens’ access to documents is “the most concrete manifestation of the principle of openness and its corollary, transparency of the EU”
ABC NEWS – Meloni’s election last month will move the country to the far right for the first time since Benito Mussolini’s fall during World War II.
EURACTIV – Legal experts suggest the Council of the European Union is violating EU law by not initiating the procedure for a Treaty reform.
EURONEWS – The far-right victory in Italy’s elections is likely to translate into Rome joining Poland and Hungary by adopting a eurosceptic stance on European Union affairs.
EURONEWS – An official complaint has been launched against the European Parliament over a controversial deal to appoint its new secretary general, the institution’s top civil servant.
POLITICO – Alessandro Chiocchetti will become the Parliament’s new secretary-general, overseeing the institution’s expansive bureaucracy.
THE SUNDAY TIMES – Italy President Mario Draghi gives televised address amid political and financial turmoil
POLITICO – Sarah Wheaton speaks from The Good Lobby’s annual summer academy.
POLITICO – A surprising mix of transparency advocates, NGOers and unabashed corporate lobbyists meet at The Good Lobby’s annual Summer Academy.
POLITICO – Uber Files outlined “a rather extreme, yet quite common (notably in the tech sector) method” of gaining access through lobbying
THE GUARDIAN – Uber Files appear to show Neelie Kroes trying to assist firm during ‘cooling-off’ period after leaving commission
BBC News – Thousands of leaked files have exposed how Uber courted top politicians, and how far it went to avoid justice.
EURONEWS – As the Conference on the Future of Europe just ended, Alberto Alemanno examines what we have learned from this unprecedented democratic exercise.
Verfassungsblog – Thirteen years after the Lisbon Treaty, the CJEU continues to lack a fully-fledged publicity policy, albeit the growing public scrutiny over its work.
EURACTIV – Twelve per cent of European citizens’ proposals as a part of the conference on the Future of Europe require a treaty change if they are to be implemented.
THE GUARDIAN – European Commission chief visits Bucha before meeting Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Kyiv
Le Journal du Dimanche – Guillaume Klossa, co-président de CIVICO Europa, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ancien président du groupe Les Verts, l’écrivain italien Roberto Saviano et 38 autres signataires plaident pour un nouveau « Pacte fondateur de l’Union qui permette de réaliser enfin l’Union de la défense, de l’énergie, de la santé, de l’économie, du travail, du social, de l’éducation et de la culture. »
EURACTIV – MEPs and experts propose to scale up a city-level tool allowing citizens to decide how to spend a part of the municipal resources and let Europeans shape the EU budget expenditure.
CNBC – The former German leader was known for speaking Russian and keeping diplomatic ties with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. It was also during her term that Germany stepped up its energy links to Moscow and kept its national defense spending to a minimum.
Financial Times – Companies are under pressure to speak out on a wide range of issues. Doing so while avoiding pitfalls will require them to rethink their approach to politics.
FORBES – To help track businesses’ responses to the escalating crisis, the Ukraine Corporate Index was launched today by The Good Lobby, a nonprofit civic participation organization, and Progressive Shopper, which tracks political contributions.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Under the legislation, known as a due diligence law, businesses would need to establish regulations to detect, prevent and mitigate breaches of human rights.
EUROPE MATTERS – Alberto Alemanno discusses the Conference on the Future of Europe.
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM – There is growing momentum worldwide to make business responsible for the ways it impacts the planet, workers and communities it relies on.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Political leaders must not turn the Conference on the Future of Europe into another EU black box.
EURONEWS – “The year 2022 must be a turning point for Europe,” French President Emmanuel Macron said in his New Year’s Eve national address.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Roberta Metsola of Malta will succeed David Sassoli, an Italian politician who died last week, at a critical time for the institution.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – He was a well-known journalist in his native Italy before going into politics, and devoted his tenure to making the Parliament more prominent.
Groupe d’Études Géopolitiques – In December 2021, two simultaneous events spoke radically differently on the conundrum of our age. The first, ‘The Summit for Democracy’. The other, the Conference on the Future of Europe.
EURONEWS – The annual State of the European Union address provides a unique chance for all EU residents to get a sense of their lives’ shared direction.
POLITICO – Euroskeptic posturing might win politicians votes at home, but it’s increasingly costing them on the European stage.
OPEN DEMOCRACY – Government’s controversial bill ‘would wipe out one of last institutions to hold authorities accountable’ and could lead to US sanctions.
EU SCREAM – Alberto Alemanno discusses the Conference on the Future of Europe.
SOCIAL EUROPE – The Conference on the Future of Europe might sow the seeds of a genuine European political space.
PIONEERS POST – A coalition of 60 companies led by B Lab Europe is calling for an EU-wide change in company law to make stakeholder governance mandatory in the bloc.
THE. GUARDIAN – Analysis: legitimacy of Future of Europe talks called into question as only a quarter of citizens likely to take part
EURONEWS – Sixteen countries have begun using the EU’s ‘Digital COVID certificate’ (EUDCC) to enable their citizens to easily travel across the bloc.
RFI – Trumpeted as a quick fix to the holiday travel dilemma, and eagerly awaited by Europe’s struggling tourism sector, the certificate is intended to allow rapid movement between EU states without additional quarantine or coronavirus tests. Critics say it’s a recipe for delays and confusion.
CNBC – Outraged European leaders are gathering in Brussels on Monday to discuss how to punish Belarusian authorities, after the forced landing of a Ryanair flight and subsequent arrest of a journalist on board.
CNBC – The EU launched Sunday the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Anti-EU lawmakers strengthened their support following the sovereign debt and migration crises of the last decade.
POLITICO EU Influence – For the Brussels influence industry, AstraZeneca’s tarnished reputation is a cautionary tale — and a new client pitch.
POLITICO EU Influence – The Commission is expected to present a new EU strategy on the rights of the child next week, along with a proposal for a Council recommendation on a European child guarantee.
OPEN DEMOCRACY – Is the push for a vaccine certificate driven by an economic desire to boost travel and tourism rather than the safety of all Europeans?
CNBC – Europe’s coronavirus vaccine rollout has been thrust into the spotlight once again after the Italian government blocked a shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines to Australia.
EURONEWS – Several EU countries are moving to reinstate border checks and travel restrictions over a troubling surge in coronavirus variants.
Financial Times – Working trips between the EU and UK will still be possible — but with more planning and paperwork.
EURONEWS – The European Commission has adopted a regulation to control the export of coronavirus vaccines manufactured in the EU, amid a row with vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca, and warnings of a brewing vaccine war with the UK.
The loss of the freedom to settle, work and travel on the continent has smashed the amount of rights associated with UK citizenship.
Financial Times – EU’s planned Conference on the Future of Europe delayed over who should run it
BLOOMBERG – Gloomy visions of an inoculated elite lording it over everyone else won’t get needles in arms any faster.
POLITICO – EU chief’s participation in a Croatian election campaign video sparked criticism.
CNBC – The latest political dispute is coming at a particularly painful moment.
EU OBSERVER – The troubled Conference on the Future of Europe, intended to reconnect the European project with its citizens, remains in deadlock due to an ongoing institutional dispute over who will chair it.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
POLITICO – Under fire in battles over EU values, Commission VP shoots from the lip.
EU OBSERVER – Stunning animals before slaughter and avoiding unnecessary suffering is surely the least we owe these fellow sentient beings.
EURACTIV – Almost 30 years after the first transnational European party was formed, the European Parliament has proposed that in the 2024 European elections, all voters should be able to vote, in addition to their national representatives, for a second set of representatives, elected in a single European college.
POLITICO – Irishman’s exit shows the Commission president won’t tolerate the impression that her top team can act with impunity.