Von der Leyen provoca las iras de socialistas y liberales al tomar partido en unas elecciones nacionales
EL PAÍS – La presidenta de la Comisión podría haber violado la obligación de neutralidad prevista en el código de conducta del organismo.
EL PAÍS – La presidenta de la Comisión podría haber violado la obligación de neutralidad prevista en el código de conducta del organismo.
POLITICO – European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s soundbite for a Croatian political campaign video lasted all of two seconds. But the repercussions have already lasted much longer and won’t be over anytime soon.
ALLIANCE MAGAZINE – The response to COVID-19 has revealed a gap between the rhetoric of philanthropies and the realities of the grantees. It remains to be seen how and by whom that gap will be bridged in a post-COVID-19 world.
THE GUARDIAN – Millions of us built our lives on the promise of free movement. Under cover of coronavirus, that dream is disappearing…
LIGHTS ON EUROPE – In this interview with Lucia Klestincova, I share my views on where is the dividing line between the neutrality of a public servant and their right for civic activism; and how to awaken activism among citizens disillusioned with the current state of democracy.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Due to its borderless nature, COVID-19 is a matter of common European interest since its first detection on the continent. Yet this pandemic outbreak has largely been handled as an essentially national matter. Each country adopted its own different health response, according to its own risk analysis framework, with little regard for the scientific and management risk advice provided by the EU, notably the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
THE GUARDIAN – France and Netherlands at odds on finance ministers’ €500bn compromise
THE GUARDIAN – European governments already have system for working together in a health emergency – it’s called the EU
EURONEWS – As EU authorities struggle for any coordination at all, while still needing to pass fiscal and state-aid measures in support of the European economy, Germany has shut its borders. As a record number of citizens, including the most Eurosceptic, turn to the EU in search of emergency solutions, Brussels looks helpless.
LE MONDE – Le professeur de droit Alberto Alemanno s’inquiète, dans une tribune au « Monde », des solutions nationales qui pourraient se révéler plus néfastes que bénéfiques, en offrant une illusion de sécurité et de sûreté à leurs ressortissants.
OBSERVADOR – As pandemias são um argumento para uma Europa mais coordenada. E estamos a assistir exatamente ao contrário.
CNBC – The travel ban comes at a time when the number of cases is rising in both the Europe and the United States. The two countries agreed in January to improve their trade links, by negotiating a deal before the end of the year.
AL JAZEERA – Thirty years after independence from Soviet Union, some in Lithuania fight new battle to fend off Russian influence.
THE GUARDIAN – Europe needs a new mechanism for involving citizens, not another talking shop chaired by the polarising Guy Verhofstadt.
EL PAÍS – La nueva presidenta apuesta por tender puentes hacia el Este para evitar que el choque con Polonia y Hungría resquebraje la UE.
LE FIGARO – «Les électeurs européens demandent davantage d’Europe et non davantage d’État-nation» explique Alberto Alemanno, professeur de droit européen à HEC.
LE FIGARO – Les parlementaires ont refusé jeudi d’adouber la candidate française, qui est visée par deux enquêtes.
EU SCREAM – There are around 150 far-right lawmakers in the new European Parliament that companies can lobby for favourable votes and amendments.
THE WASHINTON POST – German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed Tuesday for the European Union’s most powerful job, in a nail-biter of a vote that put Europe’s divisions on stark display.
BLOOMBERG – Parliament has been building its authority lately. Accepting the Council’s decision for Commission President reverses that.
LE MONDE – Le professeur de droit Alberto Alemanno dénonce, dans une tribune au « Monde », le rôle néfaste joué par le réseau social lors de la campagne électorale européenne en limitant les messages politiques aux frontières nationales.
CNBC – Ahead of this year’s EU elections, Macron finds himself fighting the nationalist and Euroskeptic party of Marine Le Pen once again. In Italy, the elections will be a test on the anti-establishment coalition government, which has been in power for roughly a year.
THE GUARDIAN – Those of us who reside in another member state live more ‘European’ lives than anyone. Yet we feel disenfranchised.
LIBÉRATION – Face aux obstacles administratifs pour voter dans un autre pays et l’emprise des enjeux locaux, le juriste Alberto Alemanno prône un collège électoral unique dans l’Union et de vrais partis européens.
EU OBSERVER – Amid frantic negotiations, the EU-27 leaders ultimately conceded a further extension to the UK to ratify the withdrawal agreement by 31 October 31.
TV5 MONDE – C’est une crise sans précédent, depuis l’après-guerre, entre deux pays fondateurs de l’Union européenne. La France vient de rappeler son ambassadeur à Rome, suite aux provocations verbales de Matteo Salvini, ministre italien de l’Intérieur et Luigi Di Maio, vice-président du gouvernement. Selon Alberto Alemanno, politologue, ces piques italiennes ne sont pas seulement conjoncturelles. Elles traduisent un déplacement de la polémique politique de l’espace national vers un cadre plus européen.
IDEAS.TED.COM – “Lobbying” doesn’t have to be a dirty word; instead, it means using your talents and abilities to improve the world, says civic advocate Alberto Alemanno.
THE GUARDIAN – It would be wrong for the EU to say no to migrants, say Maarten Veldmans and Paul Ashley Singer, while Alberto Alemanno is concerned about Steve Bannon’s influence.
THE ECONOMIST – In European politics, the big divide is not open v closed but innovator v conservative
EURONEWS – Professor Alberto Alemanno from HEC Paris answers Euronews’ questions on the health of the European Union and potential consequences of next year’s European elections.
LE MONDE – La nature et l’ampleur des enjeux auxquels l’Europe est confrontée appellent des solutions paneuropéennes que notre système politique communautaire fragmenté est incapable d’aborder et de mettre en place, estime Alberto Alemanno, professeur de droit à HEC, dans une tribune au « Monde ».
CARNEGIE EUROPE – A new wave of pan-European parties and movements could profoundly shake up and further polarize EU politics ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections.
FRANCE CULTURE – Après le veto du président Mattarella contre un ministre de l’économie anti-euro, un gouvernement de transition sera chargé d’expédier les affaires courantes jusqu’aux prochaines élections.
BLOOMBERG – The public may cheer a whistleblower, but it’s not easy to be one. While they expose fraud and abuse that otherwise would remain veiled, whistleblowers in Europe often face retaliation by their employers and other repercussions. A new proposed European Union directive seeks to change that; it might also prove useful in countering the erosion of democratic values in the bloc’s east.
THE GUARDIAN – In a world where false and misleading information reaches billions instantly and online manipulation is becoming ever more sophisticated, governments are increasingly turning to legislation to combat fake news.
THE GUARDIAN – A senior EU official has called for action against internet companies that harvest personal data, as Brussels prepares to move against those spreading “fake news” following the Cambridge Analytica revelations.
LE MONDE – Le professeur en droit européen Alberto Alemanno estime que rien ne sert d’employer la loi contre les fausses informations. Sous la pression de l’opinion, des sociétés comme Facebook peuvent adopter des dispositifs qui contrebalancent l’effet de la désinformation.
Big supermarket chains govern the food supply chain globally. Its rapid growth has to do
Regulators are facing unprecedented challenges posed by technology, such as artificial intelligence and the internet.
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM – There is a widespread, intensifying belief that without the greater involvement of its citizens, the European Union is condemned to fail. While this realization is far from new, recent events in Catalonia along with Brexit have lent it fresh force.
FORBES – The days when social networks were dismissed as entertaining outlets for teenagers are long gone. Today they have become the primary medium over which we consume news, form our political identities and spend a considerable portion of our time.
EURONEWS – At a time of great political uncertainty for the future of Europe, the only way to shape our continent is through citizen lobbying.
BLOOMBERG – The Soros-funded university in Hungary isn’t the only non-governmental organization under attack in Europe.
EU OBSERVER – As the EU continues to take decisions affecting millions of European citizens, there is a growing expectation that it must ensure full transparency for the ones shaping those decisions, by regulating lobbying.
The debate on the European Union confirmed the antithetical views of the two candidates, underlining their irreconcilable understanding of the European project.
In our highly-polarized nations, an electoral victory no longer ensures, nor translates, into societal acceptance and popular support for change.
Si le Royaume-Uni adopte le cadre normatif mis en place entre Oslo et Bruxelles, les Anglais devront accepter les législations européennes, contribuer au budget européen et respecter la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’UE
This is the first attempt to draw together and define risk studies, through a definitive collection written by the leading scholars in the field. It will be an indispensable resource for the many scholars, students and professionals engaging with risk but lacking a resource to draw it all together.
Behavioural sciences help refine our understanding of human decision-making. Their insights are immensely relevant for policy-making since public intervention works much better when it targets real people rather than imaginary beings assumed to be perfectly rational.
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