Does the EU Have What it Takes to Counter American Plutocratic Power?
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Jacquelyn D. Veraldi and Alberto Alemanno discuss the power challenges the EU faces with the new US administration.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the risks of deregulation in the EU.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno and Jacquelyn D. Veraldi launch a symposium exploring how the EU can respond to power challenges posed by the new US administration.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU political landscape after the 2024 European elections.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU’s stance on the reelection of Donald Trump.
ETHIC – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to think democracy further than elections.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno discusses how far-right parties influence the political agenda of the new European Commission.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno argues that MEPs should not reelect Ursula von der Leyen for a second mandate as President of the European Commission.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno discusses the consequences of the ongoing Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU.
THE PARLIAMENT – Alberto Alemanno discusses the EU election results in an interview.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno comments on the designation of the next Commission president after the EU elections.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno analyses the results of the EU elections and their consequences.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno analyses the impact of reinforced far-right parties at the EU Parliament after the EU elections.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Quote of the Day about nationalist parties.
L’EXPRESS – Alberto Alemanno discusses the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in an interview.
PROJECT SYNDICATE – Alberto Alemanno questions the European nature of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno argues that the creation of the EU Body for Ethical Standards is a potential step forward in improving the EU ethics system.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno et Elizabeth Dirth défendent dans cette tribune la nécessité d’institutionnaliser la représentation des générations futures dans l’UE.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno discusses the role of citizens in foreseen EU reforms.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno remembers Jacques Delors’ legacy for Europe.
EURONEWS – Alberto Alemanno and Elizabeth Dirth discuss the need for future generations to be represented in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to reform the EU in the light of its foreseen enlargement.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Alberto Alemanno analyzes Ursula von der Leyen’s 2023 State of the Union address.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno explains the consequences that the Open Society Foundations’ retreat from Europe will have for civil society organizations.
LE MONDE – Alberto Alemanno plaide pour la suspension de la présidence hongroise du Conseil de l’UE.
EL PAÍS – Alberto Alemanno aboga por la suspensión de la próxima presidencia húngara del Consejo de la UE.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno argues for the suspension of Hungary’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the EU.
EL MUNDO – Alberto Alemanno explica la importancia de la democratización del lobbying para contrarrestar los grupos de presión empresariales.
EL CONFIDENCIAL – Alberto Alemanno explica la importancia de democratizar el lobbying en plena crisis de la democracia representativa
LA INFORMACIÓN – Alberto Alemanno explica la misión de The Good Lobby y la importancia del lobbying ciudadano, tras la llegada de la ONG a España.
ETHIC – Alberto Alemanno comments on citizen participation and access to lobbying, as The Good Lobby opens in Spain.
EL PAÍS – Alberto Alemanno comments on the European Popular Party’s rapprochement with the far-right in the middle of the election cycle.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Alberto Alemanno comments on a proposed ethics body for EU institutions in the aftermath of the Qatargate.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on the criminal complaint against European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
LES ECHOS – Alberto Alemanno and Hugo Weber advocate for more transparent ethics in lobbying.
POLITICO – Alberto Alemanno comments on how the Qatargate scandal hits the European Commission.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Alberto Alemanno discusses the need to establish an EU ethics body in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
EURACTIV – New models for citizen involvement in government are critical for the survival of democratic institutions in Europe, write Alberto Alemanno and Laura Batalla.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Alberto Alemanno comments the EU’s ethical standards in the aftermath of the Qatargate scandal.
THE WASHINGTON POST – Four people have been charged on suspicion of money laundering, corruption and taking part in a criminal organization on behalf of Qatar.
EURONEWS – Calls to reform lobbying rules for European Union institutions are growing as Brussels reels from a corruption scandal involving the European Parliament.
TIME – A high-profile corruption case alleges Qatar bribed European lawmakers to sway policy.
LE MONDE – Le scandale de la « corruption » par le Qatar a exposé une vérité gênante : l’argent achète l’influence dans l’UE.
NPR – A high-ranking European Union lawmaker is one of several people snared in a corruption probe by Belgian officials for allegedly taking bribes from a Gulf state.
POLITICO – The Qatar “corruption” scandal has unveiled the inconvenient truth that money does buy influence in the EU.
THE GUARDIAN – The arrest of a European Parliament vice-president and four others linked to a corruption investigation implicating World Cup hosts Qatar sparked calls for “root and branch reform” in the EU institution.
POLITICO – Without enforcement or investigation powers, a new ethics body ‘misses the point,’ experts say.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Bloc’s push to cut smoking rates would increase minimum excise duty from €1.80 to €3.60 per pack of 20.
TRIBUNA – Miguel Poiares Maduro assina com Jamil Chade e Alberto Alemanno, um texto onde advogam a necessidade de profundas reformas na organização de eventos desportivos.
POLITICO – Throughout the many scandals that have plagued this event — from corruption to human rights violations — the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has staunchly stood by its 2010 decision to organize the World Cup in Qatar.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Spat reinforces concern about Giorgia Meloni’s readiness to work constructively with EU.
PUBLICO – A nova primeira-ministra de Itália encontra com os líderes das instituições da União Europeia
EURONEWS – Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni welcomed a “very frank, very positive” exchange with European Union leaders in Brussels.
Groupe d’études géopolitiques – Alberto Alemanno et Adam Mouyal conversent avec Josep Borrell au sujet de son discours devant les ambassadeurs de l’Union et la première promotion de l’Académie diplomatique européenne.
CNBC – Fresh tensions between France and Germany are challenging their relationship at a time when their unity is critical for broader European policy in tackling the energy crisis.
EURONEWS – le chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz rencontre le président français à l’Elysée
POLITICO – Citizens’ access to documents is “the most concrete manifestation of the principle of openness and its corollary, transparency of the EU”
ABC NEWS – Meloni’s election last month will move the country to the far right for the first time since Benito Mussolini’s fall during World War II.
EURACTIV – Legal experts suggest the Council of the European Union is violating EU law by not initiating the procedure for a Treaty reform.
EURONEWS – The far-right victory in Italy’s elections is likely to translate into Rome joining Poland and Hungary by adopting a eurosceptic stance on European Union affairs.
EURONEWS – An official complaint has been launched against the European Parliament over a controversial deal to appoint its new secretary general, the institution’s top civil servant.
POLITICO – Alessandro Chiocchetti will become the Parliament’s new secretary-general, overseeing the institution’s expansive bureaucracy.
SOCIAL EUROPE – European judges are taking legal action, given the failure of EU institutions to uphold the rule of law.
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – At a time in which a worrying number of risks conspire to threaten the end of democracy and humanity – from climate change to uncontrolled new technologies –, to confine the remit of the legal scholar to the narrow boundaries of academic purity appears ahistorical at best, irresponsible at worst.
THE SUNDAY TIMES – Italy President Mario Draghi gives televised address amid political and financial turmoil
POLITICO – Sarah Wheaton speaks from The Good Lobby’s annual summer academy.
POLITICO – A surprising mix of transparency advocates, NGOers and unabashed corporate lobbyists meet at The Good Lobby’s annual Summer Academy.
POLITICO – Uber Files outlined “a rather extreme, yet quite common (notably in the tech sector) method” of gaining access through lobbying
THE GUARDIAN – Uber Files appear to show Neelie Kroes trying to assist firm during ‘cooling-off’ period after leaving commission
BBC News – Thousands of leaked files have exposed how Uber courted top politicians, and how far it went to avoid justice.
SUSTAINABLE VIEWS – Millions of consumers, employees and investors are seeking to align their purchases, jobs and investments with their values.
CNBC – Hungry attendees at this year’s World Economic Forum may have found some of the food a little hard to stomach, with some eye-popping prices in some locations
POLITICO – The formidable European Round Table for Industry elected Jean-François van Boxmeer its new chairman, for a two-year term. He’s chairman of the Vodafone Group, and succeeds Volvo Group chair Carl-Henric Svanberg.
SWISSINFO.CH – Russia’s war in Ukraine has shifted power relations in Europe. In the European Union the demand is growing for participation from below. The recent Frontex referendum in Switzerland showed the way.
EURONEWS – As the Conference on the Future of Europe just ended, Alberto Alemanno examines what we have learned from this unprecedented democratic exercise.
LE FIGARO – La Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe, consultation citoyenne poussée par Emmanuel Macron, s’est achevée le 30 avril.
Verfassungsblog – Thirteen years after the Lisbon Treaty, the CJEU continues to lack a fully-fledged publicity policy, albeit the growing public scrutiny over its work.
EURACTIV – Twelve per cent of European citizens’ proposals as a part of the conference on the Future of Europe require a treaty change if they are to be implemented.
THE GUARDIAN – European Commission chief visits Bucha before meeting Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Kyiv
Le Journal du Dimanche – Guillaume Klossa, co-président de CIVICO Europa, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ancien président du groupe Les Verts, l’écrivain italien Roberto Saviano et 38 autres signataires plaident pour un nouveau « Pacte fondateur de l’Union qui permette de réaliser enfin l’Union de la défense, de l’énergie, de la santé, de l’économie, du travail, du social, de l’éducation et de la culture. »
EURACTIV – MEPs and experts propose to scale up a city-level tool allowing citizens to decide how to spend a part of the municipal resources and let Europeans shape the EU budget expenditure.
CNBC – The former German leader was known for speaking Russian and keeping diplomatic ties with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. It was also during her term that Germany stepped up its energy links to Moscow and kept its national defense spending to a minimum.
POLITICO – With the ongoing re-Stalinization of Russia, and the old Stalin tactics unfurled again in Ukraine: Is it time to start labeling Vladimir Putin a dictator? And more news…
Financial Times – Companies are under pressure to speak out on a wide range of issues. Doing so while avoiding pitfalls will require them to rethink their approach to politics.
FORBES – To help track businesses’ responses to the escalating crisis, the Ukraine Corporate Index was launched today by The Good Lobby, a nonprofit civic participation organization, and Progressive Shopper, which tracks political contributions.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Under the legislation, known as a due diligence law, businesses would need to establish regulations to detect, prevent and mitigate breaches of human rights.
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM – There is growing momentum worldwide to make business responsible for the ways it impacts the planet, workers and communities it relies on.
SOCIAL EUROPE – Political leaders must not turn the Conference on the Future of Europe into another EU black box.
EURONEWS – “The year 2022 must be a turning point for Europe,” French President Emmanuel Macron said in his New Year’s Eve national address.
LE GRAND CONTINENT – la nomination de la nouvelle présidente du Parlement européen marque un tournant, une conversation avec Alberto Alemanno.
EL PAÍS – Populares, que acaban de hacerse con el Parlamento Europeo, y liberales se reparten los máximos puestos de las instituciones de la UE
THE NEW YORK TIMES – Roberta Metsola of Malta will succeed David Sassoli, an Italian politician who died last week, at a critical time for the institution.
THE NEW YORK TIMES – He was a well-known journalist in his native Italy before going into politics, and devoted his tenure to making the Parliament more prominent.
Groupe d’Études Géopolitiques – In December 2021, two simultaneous events spoke radically differently on the conundrum of our age. The first, ‘The Summit for Democracy’. The other, the Conference on the Future of Europe.
REV DEM – Michal Matlak interviews Alberto Alemanno* in the aftermath of the publication of the first batch of recommendations coming from the Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel. They discuss what representativeness – if any – this group of citizens has, how the recommendations are facilitated and drafted, and what impact this might have on the future of Europe.
PIONEERS POST – Changemakers should not shy away from using powerful tools to influence politicians – starting with lobbying, attendees of the Ashoka Changemaker Summit heard this week. And they can start by talking to the new breed of “political entrepreneurs”, often young and focused on social impact, who are looking for solutions.
Financial Times – From YouTube and TV to podcasts, academics are building on the shift to online teaching
STATEWATCH – Civil society organisations, elected representatives and other prominent public figures are calling on Interpol to take steps to prevent the abuse of international policing databases and alert systems by authoritarian and dictatorial regimes. A resolution sent to the policing organisation a week before its 89th General Assembly calls for the protection of human rights by the full implementation of recommendations made by the Council of Europe and European Parliament. Statewatch is one of the signatories of the resolution.
DOMANI – Renzi incontra la vicepresidente della Commissione UE Margrethe Vestager per “discutere le sfide future dell’UE”