Poland’s defiance of EU law raises concern over a possible exit
CNBC – In the latest escalation of their dispute, Polish judges ruled, in a case brought by the country’s prime minister, that national law has primacy over European rules.
CNBC – In the latest escalation of their dispute, Polish judges ruled, in a case brought by the country’s prime minister, that national law has primacy over European rules.
L’ESPRESSO – Negli ultimi anni ne sono nate oltre 500, da Parigi a Madrid, dall’Islanda all’Irlanda. Convocate su temi diversi per ascoltare l’opinione degli elettori. Ma non sempre poi vengono ascoltate.
EURONEWS – The annual State of the European Union address provides a unique chance for all EU residents to get a sense of their lives’ shared direction.
POLITICO – Euroskeptic posturing might win politicians votes at home, but it’s increasingly costing them on the European stage.
Immagina per un attimo di poter dedicare una parte del tuo tempo a una questione
OPEN DEMOCRACY – Government’s controversial bill ‘would wipe out one of last institutions to hold authorities accountable’ and could lead to US sanctions.
EL PAÍS – Con 300 millones expedidos en poco más de un mes, los salvoconductos se convierten en un requisito cotidiano. En Francia y Alemania crecen las protestas entre la población reacia al pinchazo.
EL PAÍS – Los gobiernos de Budapest y Varsovia se arriesgan a multas millonarias y coercitivas si persisten en incumplir las normas comunitarias.
LE GRAND CONTINENT – Deux députés européens de deux bords politiques opposés, Sandro Gozi (Renew) et Manon Aubry (LFI) exposent leurs positionnements et leurs stratégies dans un exercice européen d’un nouveau genre.
LINKIESTA – In coincidenza con la giornata dell’Europa, il 9 maggio 2021 si è aperta la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa. Intervista a Alberto Alemanno dall’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa.
SOCIAL EUROPE – The Conference on the Future of Europe might sow the seeds of a genuine European political space.
PIONEERS POST – A coalition of 60 companies led by B Lab Europe is calling for an EU-wide change in company law to make stakeholder governance mandatory in the bloc.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – I governi europei usano parole infiammate per la legge anti Lgbt approvata in Ungheria e si accorgono delle derive illiberali di Orbán. Ma cosa facevano prima? Erano impegnati a perdonargli tutto, o quasi.
HELSINGIN SANOMAT – Professori Alberto Alemanno pitää liian pitkälle vietyjä rajatoimia uhkana vapaan liikkuvuuden tulevaisuudelle. Koronapassista on aikanaan vaikea luopua, hän ennustaa.
THE. GUARDIAN – Analysis: legitimacy of Future of Europe talks called into question as only a quarter of citizens likely to take part
EURONEWS – Sixteen countries have begun using the EU’s ‘Digital COVID certificate’ (EUDCC) to enable their citizens to easily travel across the bloc.
RFI – Trumpeted as a quick fix to the holiday travel dilemma, and eagerly awaited by Europe’s struggling tourism sector, the certificate is intended to allow rapid movement between EU states without additional quarantine or coronavirus tests. Critics say it’s a recipe for delays and confusion.
DOMANI – In vista della pubblicazione in Italia il 9 giugno del suo libro The Good Lobby, il giurista Alberto Alemanno spiega perché il diffondersi di lobby civiche è una leva cruciale in un contesto in cui gli interessi pubblici sono sottorappresentati
EURONEWS – Con l’avvicinarsi dell’estate e l’aumento delle vaccinazioni, la Commissione europea afferma di volere che gli Stati membri eliminino ulteriormente le restrizioni ai viaggi all’interno del continente.
EURONEWS – Accélérer la levée des restrictions de déplacement entre les Etats membres. C’est le souhait de la Commission européenne à l’approche des vacances d’été.
CNBC – Outraged European leaders are gathering in Brussels on Monday to discuss how to punish Belarusian authorities, after the forced landing of a Ryanair flight and subsequent arrest of a journalist on board.
CNBC – The EU launched Sunday the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Anti-EU lawmakers strengthened their support following the sovereign debt and migration crises of the last decade.
LE GRAND CONTINENT – Il est facile et tentant de disqualifier d’office la Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe, en la considérant comme un énième gadget bruxellois. Pourtant, elle pourrait bien être porteuse de réels changements, tant par sa méthodologie audacieuse que par son cahier des charges.
PUBLICO – Somos europeus de todo o continente e de todo o mundo. Queremos que o povo da Escócia saiba que os europeus, onde quer que se encontrem, terão todo o gosto em os receber outra vez como membros da União Europeia se esse ainda for o seu desejo democrático.
LE SOIR – Alors que les Européens se demandent à quelle sauce ils vont être traités aux frontières cet été, nombreux sont les détracteurs de la proposition de certificat vert européen.
IL FOGLIO – L’exit dall’Uefa ha provocato una cosa inedita nella storia recente dell’Europa: tutto lo spettro politico si è unito in difesa dell’establisment calcistico.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – La piattaforma digitale per la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa rappresenta un tentativo inedito di confronto paneuropeo. Ma non basta raccogliere spunti, il punto è trasformarli in decisioni, ed è su questo che si gioca la riuscita del progetto: chi trarrà la sintesi e in che modo?
KRYTYKAPOLITYCZNA – Unia rozważa wprowadzenie tzw. paszportu szczepionkowego. W założeniu ma on ułatwić otwieranie granic i powrót do „normalności”. W praktyce będzie kolejnym mechanizmem profilowania i ekonomicznego wykluczenia, bo szczepienie na COVID-19 wciąż jest w Unii przywilejem.
POLITICO PARIS Influence – Les manœuvres du gouvernement pour épargner Amazon. Couac de la nouvelle Agence de l’Innovation pour les Transports:Bercy accuse Jean-Baptiste Djebbari de la jouer solo. Entretien avec Guillaume Courty, universitaire qui dézingue sur la loi Sapin 2.
EURONEWS – Un incident diplomatique en passe de devenir une crise interne de l’UE. Les secousses du “Sofagate”, le camouflet protocolaire infligé à la présidente de la Commission européenne à Ankara la semaine dernière, se font toujours à ressentir à Bruxelles.
POLITICO EU Influence – For the Brussels influence industry, AstraZeneca’s tarnished reputation is a cautionary tale — and a new client pitch.
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO – Ha lasciato la vicepresidenza dell’Aspen Institute Italia dopo aver partecipato a un dibattito con Farmindustria. Oggetto del dibattito: i brevetti dei vaccini.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, avvocato generale della Corte di giustizia europea, aveva preso parte a un incontro sui brevetti dei vaccini con Farmindustria. L’evento era organizzato da Aspen Institute Italia di cui era vicepresidente. La segnalazione di due ong al presidente della Corte ha avuto effetto.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Giovanni Pitruzzella, membro della Corte di giustizia europea, era all’evento con Farmindustria di cui Domani ha scritto, ed è anche vicepresidente di Aspen Institute Italia. The Good Lobby e Corporate Europe Observatory hanno scritto una lettera per segnalare la questione al presidente della Corte.
WYBORCZA – “Doszliśmy do etapu, w którym niezależnym sędziom grozi się zarzutami karnymi i wykorzystaniem środków przymusu za próby stosowania prawa Unii i orzeczeń Trybunału Sprawiedliwości” – piszą w liście otwartym do Komisji Europejskiej przedstawiciele polskich organizacji pozarządowych i akademicy z całej Europy.
EDITORIALE DOMANI – Sandra Gallina partecipa a una tavola rotonda con Farmindustria in cui si discute di brevetti dei vaccini. Prima il suo staff nega, poi non risponde.
POLITICO EU Influence – The Commission is expected to present a new EU strategy on the rights of the child next week, along with a proposal for a Council recommendation on a European child guarantee.
INTERNAZIONALE – Tedeschi in Spagna, olandesi in Grecia e francesi in Italia? Una cartolina del “mondo di prima” che potrebbe tornare d’attualità quest’estate se i paesi europei si metteranno d’accordo sulle condizioni di entrata nei loro territori.
OPEN DEMOCRACY – Is the push for a vaccine certificate driven by an economic desire to boost travel and tourism rather than the safety of all Europeans?
LE SOIR – Le déficit démocratique de l’UE affaiblit non seulement sa légitimité mais aussi la capacité des États membres à relever les grands défis d’aujourd’hui. Les auteurs de ce texte réclament d’urgence une réforme institutionnelle ambitieuse pour l’Europe de demain.
CNBC – Europe’s coronavirus vaccine rollout has been thrust into the spotlight once again after the Italian government blocked a shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines to Australia.
LE MONDE – Emmanuel Macron a détaillé le calendrier de la levée des restrictions en France, dans lequel le passe sanitaire est mentionné à plusieurs reprises.
EURONEWS – Several EU countries are moving to reinstate border checks and travel restrictions over a troubling surge in coronavirus variants.
LE PARISIEN – La Commission européenne va proposer un dispositif permettant de justifier si l’on a été vacciné ou si l’on dispose d’un test négatif afin de se déplacer plus librement d’un pays à un autre. Mais le chemin est encore long avant une éventuelle mise en place.
EL PAÍS – El nombramiento de del técnico y alto funcionario italiano, merece ser entendida a partir del espíritu de la Constitución como una expresión puramente política.
LA VANGUARDIA – En Bruselas, como en tantos otros rincones de Europa, el nombre de Mario Draghi evoca una frase, “haré lo que sea necesario para preservar el euro”, que marcó un punto de inflexión en la crisis de la moneda única y contribuyó a alimentar el capital político de “SuperMario” en los círculos comunitarios.
LE GRAND CONTINENT – La nomination de Draghi, le technique et grand commis, mérite d’être comprise comme une expression purement politique.
LA LIBÉRATION – Certains pays membres, comme le Danemark, programment déjà la mise en place d’un pass pour les personnes vaccinées contre le Covid-19. D’autres redoutent les inégalités que cela pourrait engendrer alors que les campagnes de vaccination sont loin d’être terminées.
Financial Times – Working trips between the EU and UK will still be possible — but with more planning and paperwork.
EL PAÍS – La Comisión Europea destaca las numerosas iniciativas adoptadas en un solo año y atribuye los posibles errores al ritmo trepidante de los últimos meses.
EURONEWS – The European Commission has adopted a regulation to control the export of coronavirus vaccines manufactured in the EU, amid a row with vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca, and warnings of a brewing vaccine war with the UK.
The loss of the freedom to settle, work and travel on the continent has smashed the amount of rights associated with UK citizenship.
LE MONDE – Plutôt qu’un certificat de vaccination, les institutions européennes devraient mettre l’accent sur la distribution équitable des vaccins et conjurer l’émergence d’un marché noir.
Le 31 décembre 2020, 67 millions de ressortissants britanniques ont perdu le droit de s’installer et de travailler au sein de l’UE et dans d’autres pays. De la même façon, les citoyens de l’UE ont perdu ces droits sur les territoires du Royaume-Uni. C’est la plus grande perte de droits dont on se souvienne.
LA REPUBBLICA – Invece di unire i Paesi riducendo le limitazioni agli spostamenti, il documento sanitario creerebbe nuove frontiere fra le persone schedate come sicure e quelle non sicure.
Financial Times – EU’s planned Conference on the Future of Europe delayed over who should run it
BLOOMBERG – Gloomy visions of an inoculated elite lording it over everyone else won’t get needles in arms any faster.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
POLITICO – EU chief’s participation in a Croatian election campaign video sparked criticism.
CNBC – The latest political dispute is coming at a particularly painful moment.
EU OBSERVER – The troubled Conference on the Future of Europe, intended to reconnect the European project with its citizens, remains in deadlock due to an ongoing institutional dispute over who will chair it.
LE FIGARO – Face au Digital Services Act et au Digital Markets Act, la mobilisation des lobbyistes du secteur était prévisible et attendue. Mais certaines méthodes ont choqué.
FINANCIAL TIMES – Budget stand-off over rule of law ends in neither victory nor defeat for Hungary and Poland.
POLITICO – Under fire in battles over EU values, Commission VP shoots from the lip.
EU OBSERVER – Stunning animals before slaughter and avoiding unnecessary suffering is surely the least we owe these fellow sentient beings.
As the European Union undergoes a major, self-proclaimed democratic exercise – the Conference on the
EURONEWS – Leaders gathered remotely to discuss the desperately needed coronavirus recovery fund and budget.
EURACTIV – The European Commission’s threat to withdraw its legislative proposal for the post-2020 EU’s farming subsidies programme has irritated EU lawmakers. EURACTIV.com asked some legal experts to clear the air about the controversy.
EURONEWS – A deal has been reached that would give Brussels the green light to cut EU funding to member countries over rule of law issues.
Many democratic societies are experiencing a crisis of faith. Citizens are making clear their frustration
The premise of this volume is that business regulations are expected to grow in the
This volume presents the viewpoints of academics, food lawyers, industry and consumer representatives as well
EURONEWS – From judicial independence in Poland to media freedom in Hungary, violations around the rule of law have been the most contentious of EU issues.
EURACTIV – Almost 30 years after the first transnational European party was formed, the European Parliament has proposed that in the 2024 European elections, all voters should be able to vote, in addition to their national representatives, for a second set of representatives, elected in a single European college.
This collection of essays looks at the role the European Union could and should play
This timely book provides the first legal and policy analysis of the intellectual property (IP)
LE MONDE – La démission du commissaire irlandais sous la pression de la présidence de la Commission crée un précédent en faveur d’une autonomisation de l’examen éthique de la politique européenne, analysent les juristes Alberto Alemanno et Benjamin Bodson dans une tribune au « Monde ».
POLITICO – Irishman’s exit shows the Commission president won’t tolerate the impression that her top team can act with impunity.
LE MONDE – Aux yeux de ces influenceurs qui se revendiquent « durables », le lobbying est un moyen d’expression légitime mais qui doit être rééquilibré au profit de voix qui pèsent moins dans le processus législatif, comme les ONG.
EURONEWS – “This certainly will become a headache for Von der Leyen and the new [European] Commission because this will lead to a reshuffle of her college – this is very likely.” Alberto Alemanno, EU Analyst.
EL PAÍS – La presidenta de la Comisión podría haber violado la obligación de neutralidad prevista en el código de conducta del organismo.
POLITICO – European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s soundbite for a Croatian political campaign video lasted all of two seconds. But the repercussions have already lasted much longer and won’t be over anytime soon.
ALLIANCE MAGAZINE – The response to COVID-19 has revealed a gap between the rhetoric of philanthropies and the realities of the grantees. It remains to be seen how and by whom that gap will be bridged in a post-COVID-19 world.
THE GUARDIAN – Millions of us built our lives on the promise of free movement. Under cover of coronavirus, that dream is disappearing…
VERFASSUNGSBLOG – Due to its borderless nature, COVID-19 is a matter of common European interest since its first detection on the continent. Yet this pandemic outbreak has largely been handled as an essentially national matter. Each country adopted its own different health response, according to its own risk analysis framework, with little regard for the scientific and management risk advice provided by the EU, notably the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
THE GUARDIAN – France and Netherlands at odds on finance ministers’ €500bn compromise
THE GUARDIAN – European governments already have system for working together in a health emergency – it’s called the EU
EURONEWS – As EU authorities struggle for any coordination at all, while still needing to pass fiscal and state-aid measures in support of the European economy, Germany has shut its borders. As a record number of citizens, including the most Eurosceptic, turn to the EU in search of emergency solutions, Brussels looks helpless.
LE MONDE – Le professeur de droit Alberto Alemanno s’inquiète, dans une tribune au « Monde », des solutions nationales qui pourraient se révéler plus néfastes que bénéfiques, en offrant une illusion de sécurité et de sûreté à leurs ressortissants.
OBSERVADOR – As pandemias são um argumento para uma Europa mais coordenada. E estamos a assistir exatamente ao contrário.
CNBC – The travel ban comes at a time when the number of cases is rising in both the Europe and the United States. The two countries agreed in January to improve their trade links, by negotiating a deal before the end of the year.
AL JAZEERA – Thirty years after independence from Soviet Union, some in Lithuania fight new battle to fend off Russian influence.
THE GUARDIAN – Europe needs a new mechanism for involving citizens, not another talking shop chaired by the polarising Guy Verhofstadt.
EL PAÍS – La nueva presidenta apuesta por tender puentes hacia el Este para evitar que el choque con Polonia y Hungría resquebraje la UE.
LE FIGARO – «Les électeurs européens demandent davantage d’Europe et non davantage d’État-nation» explique Alberto Alemanno, professeur de droit européen à HEC.
LE FIGARO – Les parlementaires ont refusé jeudi d’adouber la candidate française, qui est visée par deux enquêtes.
THE WASHINTON POST – German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed Tuesday for the European Union’s most powerful job, in a nail-biter of a vote that put Europe’s divisions on stark display.
BLOOMBERG – Parliament has been building its authority lately. Accepting the Council’s decision for Commission President reverses that.